Cookies Policy

The company/s of the IBERCALL LLC Group, owner of this web portal, as detailed in its Legal Notice (hereinafter, IBERCALL LLC), may use its own and third party cookies for different purposes. We will inform you and offer you configuration options on the use of cookies both on the first connection to our web portal and at any subsequent time you wish by means of the options that we make available to you.


1. What are cookies and how do they work?

Cookies are a tool used by web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors. Cookies may be small text files that are sent to your computer, tablet or any other device that allows you to browse the internet when you access certain web pages, or other similar technologies whose functionality is the same. Cookies allow, among other things, to keep track of your browsing habits or your computer, your preferences or your login information and remember them when you return.


2. What types of cookies are there?

Below you will find a classification of the cookies that exist and may be used on our websites, bearing in mind that the same cookie may be included in more than one category.



Cookies may be "own" or "third party".

Own cookies:

"Own" cookies are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by IBERCALL LLC as editor of the web portal and from which the services requested by the user are provided.

Third-party cookies:

"Third-party" cookies are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor of the web portal, in this case IBERCALL LLC, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.



Cookies may be "session" or "persistent".

Session cookies:

These cookies are assigned to the device from which the user is browsing only for the duration of the visit to the web portal, given that they disappear automatically when the user closes the browser. They are usually used to store information that only needs to be kept for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased) and disappear at the end of the session.

Persistent cookies:

Persistent cookies imply that the data continues to be stored in the user's device or terminal used to browse, and their temporary duration is the minimum necessary in view of the purpose of their use. The temporary duration of persistent cookies and their expiry date can be consulted below.



Cookies may be technical, personalisation, analytical or measurement cookies, personalisation cookies for behavioural advertising and social network cookies.

Strictly necessary or technical cookies:

These cookies allow the user to browse through our web portal and use the different options or services that exist on it, including those that IBERCALL LLC uses to allow the management and operation of the website and to enable its functions and services, such as, for example: controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, remembering the elements that make up the shopping basket, carrying out the purchase process of an order, managing payment, controlling fraud linked to the security of the service, using security elements during browsing, storing content for the broadcasting of videos or sound, enabling dynamic content (for example, text or image loading animation), etc. In addition, technical cookies include those that make it possible to remember information configured by the user on the web portal so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate their experience from that of other users, such as, for example, the section for individuals, freelancers or companies, the type of browsing and regional configuration through which they access, etc. in order to maintain the user's experience when accessing our website.

Technical cookies are strictly necessary to provide the services of the web portal and for its correct functioning, therefore it is not possible to refuse their use.

Analytical cookies:

Analytical cookies, either processed by us or by third parties, are those that allow IBERCALL LLC or said third parties to monitor and analyse the aggregate behaviour of users of the website. The information collected by means of this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the web portal, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the data on the use made by users of the service.

We use our own and third-party analytical cookies indicated below for the aforementioned purposes.

Personalisation cookies:

Personalisation cookies are used to show a personalised experience to the user visiting the web portal, using parameters not specifically selected by the user, such as information obtained from the device from which they are browsing or information obtained through other user interactions with IBERCALL LLC (for example, if you are a customer, the products you have contracted). We use our own personalisation cookies and those of third parties indicated below.

Advertising cookies:

Advertising cookies are those that allow, through certain data assigned to or obtained from a user's device, to store or share with third parties, information on the behaviour of users, obtained through the observation of their browsing habits, which allows a specific profile to be developed.

We use our own and/or third party cookies indicated below in order, through the information they receive from users of our web portal, to be able to improve and optimise our advertising campaigns on their platforms.

Social media cookies:

These cookies are set by a number of social networking services (see detail below) that we have added to the web portal to allow you to share our content on those social networks. Third parties who obtain information through these cookies may use it to track your visits to other websites or create a profile of your interests to personalise the content displayed on your visits to other websites or to the social network itself. If you do not allow these cookies you will not be able to see or use these sharing tools.


3. What cookies do we use on this website?

List of cookies

A cookie is a small piece of data (text files) that a website, when visited by a user, asks your browser to store on your device to remember information about you, such as your language preference or login information. These cookies are set by us, and are called first-party cookies. We also use third party cookies (which are cookies from a domain other than the domain of the website you are visiting) for our advertising and marketing research. Specifically, we use cookies and other tracking technologies for the following purposes:

Technical cookies

These cookies allow the user to browse our website and use the different options or services that exist on it, including those that the owner of this website uses to enable the management and operation of the website and to enable its functions and services, such as identifying the session, remembering the elements that make up the shopping basket, managing a payment, storing content for the broadcasting of videos or sound, etc. In addition, technical cookies include those that make it possible to remember information configured by the user on the web portal so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate their experience from that of other users, such as the language selected by the user, the type of browsing and regional configuration through which the user accesses the website, etc. Technical cookies are strictly necessary to provide the services of the website, as well as for its proper functioning, so it is not possible to refuse their use.

Subgroup of cookies Cookies Cookies used PHPSESSID, consentlawcookie 1st Party

Personalisation cookies

Personalisation cookies are used to show a personalised experience to the user visiting the website, using parameters not specifically selected by the user, such as information obtained from the device from which the user is browsing or information obtained through other interactions of the user with the owner of this website (for example, if you are a customer, the products you have contracted).

Subgroup of cookies Cookies Cookies used

Analytical cookies

Own analytical cookies are those that allow the owner of this website to monitor and analyse the aggregate behaviour of users of the website. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the website, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the data on the use made by users of the service. We use our own analytical cookies, mainly using Google Analytics services and tools, for the aforementioned purposes.

Subgroup of cookies Cookies Cookies used _gcl_au, _tt_enable_cookie, _ga, _ga_*, _ttp, _ym_visorc, _ym_isad, _ym_uid, _ym_d 1st Party CONSENT 3rd Party ar_debug 3rd Party incap_sess 3rd Party sync_cookie_csrf, sync_cookie_ok, ymex, bh, yuidss, yp, i, yandexuid, yabs-sid 3rd Party ymex, yp, i, yandexuid, yuidss 3rd Party

Advertising and Social Network Cookies

Advertising cookies are those that allow, through certain data assigned to or obtained from a user's device, to store or share with third parties, information on the behaviour of users, obtained through the observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile. We use our own cookies and those of third parties such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google in order to improve and optimise our advertising campaigns on their platforms through the information they receive from users of our website.

Social Networking cookies are set by a number of social networking services to allow you to share our content on these social networks. Third parties that obtain information through these cookies may use it to track your visits to other websites or create a profile of your interests to personalise the content displayed on your visits to other websites or to the social network itself. If you do not allow these cookies you will not be able to see or use these sharing tools.

Subgroup of cookies Cookies Cookies used cookie-consent, _fbp, _uetvid, _uetsid 1st Party CONSENT, _ga, _gcl_au, _tt_enable_cookie, __Secure-*, SID, SIDCC, AEC, SAPISID, SSID, NID, APISID, HSID, SOCS, DV 3rd Party CONSENT, _ga, _gcl_au, _tt_enable_cookie, __Secure-*, SID, SIDCC, AEC, SAPISID, SSID, NID, APISID, HSID, SOCS, DV 3rd Party CONSENT, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA, YSC, SEARCH_SAMESITE, SSID, SID, SIDCC, _Secure-1PSIDCC, SAPISID, APISID, SIDCC, VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA, PLAY_ACTIVE_ACCOUNT, S_adsense 3rd Party CONSENT 3rd Party cookie-consent, _ttp, tta_attr_id, tta_attr_id_mirror 3rd Party cookie-consent, _fbp, datr, sb, usida 3rd Party DSID, IDE, ar_debug 3rd Party DSID, IDE, ar_debug 3rd Party MSPTC, MUID 3rd Party

4. How to configure or disable cookies?

You can enable or disable the use of cookies directly from the banner or cookie notice and the associated preferences panel that will appear on your first visit to our website, as well as at the beginning of this section of the Cookies Policy. If you click the "Accept all and continue" button on the banner, you will be consenting to the use of all cookies. If you do not want us to use any of the cookies, you can select this in the settings panel by clicking on the "Configure / Reject cookies" button in the banner.

This configuration panel will be divided according to the purposes of the cookies used on each website, as you may want to allow cookies for some purposes but not for others:

  • Technical cookies (these are strictly necessary for the operation or security of the website and cannot be disabled).
  • Analytical cookies
  • Personalisation cookies
  • Advertising cookies
  • Social media cookies

Within this panel, you will be able to enable or disable the last four sections (analytics, personalisation, advertising and social media cookies). If you disable them, we will stop collecting this data and/or sending it to the aforementioned third parties.

You can also allow, block or delete these cookies through the settings of your internet browser:


5. How long will cookies be kept?

Cookies will be used solely and exclusively for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they have been indicated in each cookie. For all of the above, IBERCALL LLC has adapted in relation to its own cookies the periods of conservation of the information that can be consulted in the browser.

In relation to third party cookies, the retention periods may be consulted in the privacy policies of said third parties, as set out in the configuration panel.

Once the cookie has expired, it may be renewed if the user accepts its use again.


6. International data transfers

You can find out about the transfers to third countries that, where appropriate, IBERCALL LLC or the third parties identified in this cookie policy may make in the corresponding privacy policies.


7. Updating of the Cookies Policy

IBERCALL LLC may update this Cookies Policy at any time. Said update will be applicable from the moment it is published on the web portal, so users are advised to review it periodically.

Notwithstanding the above, the inclusion of new cookies or the use of cookies already reported for purposes other than those indicated will require the prior acceptance of the same by the user.