Terms and Conditions for EU Customers


The purpose of this document is to establish and regulate the rules for using this website, meaning all the pages and their contents owned by IBERCALL LLC, accessible through the domain https://www.ibercall.com/. By using the website, the user agrees to all the conditions included in this legal notice. The user commits to carefully reading this legal notice each time they intend to use our website, as it and the terms of use contained therein may be subject to changes.


In compliance with the information obligation established in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following data is provided:

Company name: IBERCALL LLC

EIN: 30-1268957

Address: 4000 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 285 S, 33021 Hollywood FL, United States

Email: info@ibercall.com

Domain name: https://www.ibercall.com/

USERS: Accessing and/or using this portal https://www.ibercall.com/ attributes the status of USER, who accepts, from such access and/or use, the General Terms of Use reflected herein. These conditions apply regardless of the General Contracting Conditions that may be mandatory.


https://www.ibercall.com/ provides access to various information about our company, contact sections, hyperlinks to social networks, and other content belonging to IBERCALL LLC or its licensors, which the user may access. The user assumes responsibility for the use of the portal. This responsibility extends to any registration that may be necessary to access certain services or content, or to enable responses to inquiries in the contact areas of this website, etc. The user is responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. IBERCALL LLC will process this data automatically according to the terms indicated in the Privacy Policy based on its nature or purpose.


IBERCALL LLC, either on its own or as a transferee, holds all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained therein (including but not limited to images, sound, audio, video, software, or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access, and use, etc.).

All rights reserved. Under the provisions of Articles 8 and 32.2, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, reproduction, distribution, and public communication, including making available, of all or part of the content of this website for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of IBERCALL LLC, are expressly prohibited. The user commits to respecting the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by IBERCALL LLC.

Accessing, browsing, or using the website or its contents does not grant the user any rights over the distinctive signs contained therein. The content, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, computer programs, source codes, and, in general, any intellectual creation existing in this space, as well as the space itself as a multimedia artistic work, are protected as copyright by intellectual property legislation. The company owns the elements that make up the graphic design of the website, the navigation menus, the HTML code, the texts, images, textures, graphics, and any other content on the website or, in any case, has the necessary authorization for the use of such elements. The content provided on the website may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor transmitted, nor recorded by any information retrieval system, in any form or by any means, unless prior written authorization is obtained from the mentioned Entity. It is also prohibited to remove, circumvent, and/or manipulate the "copyright" as well as any technical protection devices, or any information mechanisms that may be contained in the content. The user commits to respecting the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by IBERCALL LLC.

If the user sends any kind of information to IBERCALL LLC through the channels provided for that purpose within our website, the user declares, guarantees, and accepts that they have the right to do so freely, that such information does not infringe any intellectual property, industrial property, or any other rights of third parties, and that such information is not confidential or harmful to third parties.


IBERCALL LLC shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for any damages of any nature that may be caused, including but not limited to errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the portal, or the transmission of viruses or harmful programs in the content, despite having taken all necessary technological measures to prevent it. The content, information, and advice expressed on this website should be understood as merely indicative. IBERCALL LLC does not respond in any way to the effectiveness or accuracy of the same, being exempt from any responsibility with the users who make use of them.

We would like to point out that tarot is not an exact science. We are not qualified to offer professional legal, medical, financial, or other types of advice. If you require such advice, please consult an appropriate specialist. https://www.ibercall.com/ assumes no responsibility nor guarantees any prediction, nor the resulting decisions that individuals make as a consequence. We understand that all interpretations and card readings arising from the use of this website are exclusively for entertainment purposes. This service is intended only for persons over 18 years of age and with legal capacity.

This site may publish content and comments provided by third parties. IBERCALL LLC does not guarantee the truthfulness or accuracy of such content and is exempt from any responsibility towards the users who make use of them. IBERCALL LLC reserves the right to modify the content of the site without prior notice and without any limitation. Likewise, the company declines any responsibility for any damages that may be caused by the lack of availability or continuity of this site and the services offered on it. We also cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the Web that may cause alterations to your computer system. IBERCALL LLC declines any responsibility for the services and information provided on other sites linked to this one, as it does not control or supervise in any way the Websites of third parties. We advise users to act with caution and to consult any legal conditions that may be displayed on such websites. Likewise, Users who send any type of information to https://www.ibercall.com/ must ensure that it is truthful and does not infringe any third-party rights or applicable law.

If you believe that any content or information on this site violates a legitimate right or applicable law, we would be grateful if you would contact us through the means you deem appropriate, either by email at info@ibercall.com or at the following phone number +1 3053022370, so that we can take appropriate measures.


IBERCALL LLC reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate to its website without prior notice, including the ability to change, delete, or add both the content and services provided through the website, as well as the way they are presented or located on the site.


IBERCALL LLC reserves the right to use "cookies" technology on the Website to recognize you as a frequent user and personalize your use of the Website by preselecting your language or more desired or specific content. Cookies collect the user’s IP address, with Google being responsible for processing this information.

Cookies are files sent to a browser by a web server to record the user's browsing on the Website when the user allows their receipt. If you wish, you can configure your browser to be notified on-screen of the receipt of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard drive. Please refer to your browser’s instructions and manuals for more information.

Thanks to cookies, it is possible to recognize the browser of the computer used by the User to provide content and offer browsing or advertising preferences to the User, to the demographic profiles of the Users, and to measure visits and traffic parameters, monitor progress and the number of entries.


If the domain name includes links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, IBERCALL LLC will not exercise any control over such sites and content. In no case will IBERCALL LLC assume any responsibility for the content of any link belonging to a third-party website, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, veracity, validity, and constitutionality of any material or information contained in such hyperlinks or other Internet sites. Similarly, the inclusion of these external connections does not imply any association, merger, or involvement with the connected entities.

The user acknowledges and accepts that IBERCALL LLC shall not be liable for any losses or damages the user may suffer as a result of the availability of the aforementioned websites or external resources, or as a result of the credibility given to the completeness, accuracy, or existence of any kind of advertising, products, or other materials offered through such websites or resources.

In the event of network security incidents affecting the Internet network, IBERCALL LLC, while respecting the confidentiality of communications, will provide the competent authorities with the necessary information for the proper management of network security incidents, including IP addresses that may be compromised or related to such incidents.


IBERCALL LLC reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services offered without prior notice, at its own instance or that of a third party, to those users who fail to comply with these General Terms of Use.


IBERCALL LLC will pursue any breach of these conditions, as well as any improper use of its website, by exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond by law.


The relationship between IBERCALL LLC and the user will be governed by current Spanish regulations, and any dispute will be submitted to the courts of the user’s domicile.


We inform you that if a problem arises from the service provided or the product sold, you can use the online dispute resolution platform provided by the European Commission. You can use this platform to resolve your issue with the help of an authorized dispute resolution entity. A dispute resolution entity is a neutral third party that helps consumers and merchants resolve disputes in a non-contentious way. This platform is available at: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=ES